During month 2(8-12 weeks) most of the major organs appear, m
ost are bud-like shaped. This is an important part for the mother to be cautious of what she is consuming: avoid drugs/alcohol, and limit the amount of stress. The first trimester is considered the crucial stage, due to the embryo's complex development of organs. Although at the end of the 8th week the embryo stage ends, and the fetal period begins. The picture to the right is that of a 2 month fetus/embryo, note its beginning to take the shape of a human. The amniotic fluid supports/surrounds the embryo/fetus from week 3 to 10. Without this structured fluid and the germ layers, the baby would not be protected during development.

During month 3(13-16 weeks) the organs are still immature. Dur
ing this point, the brain has the basic brain structure and spinal cord. As you can see in the picture to the right, the fetus is growing and more human like than the previous month. Muscle tissues and bones continue growing and supporting the fetus. During the next months, the uterus increases in size.

During months 4(17-20) and 5(21-24) During this development
t phase, the mother most likely should feel a fluttering sensation! This is the sweetest/amazing feeling. It's a mile stone, knowing that your baby is growing and able to move around! The picture is 20 weeks, how precious(this is what my baby looks lik
e)! The white 'lanugo' covers the entire body. Also, the brain is now fully developed. The fetus can suck, swallow, and make different noises. The Ultrasound picture is of 20 weeks, baby sucking his thumb! Ultrasounds are typically done between 18-22 weeks to help monitor the growth of the fetus, and make sure the fetal development is progressing.

During month 6(24-29 weeks) "The developing fetus is totally de
pendent on maternal organ systems for nourishment, respiration, and waste removal" (Martini 1089). Again it is important that the mother continue to maintain the recommended nutrients and vitamins to help keep the baby growing and functioning safely. The picture to the right is a fetus at 24 weeks. The waxy/white covering his eyebrows and body is a protective layer called vernix. This is important to protect the baby during the last months of development. Another important event occurring in this month is the alveoli forming on the lungs, typically during week 24. All of these are important in providing the fetus with a healthy development.

During the 7th month(30-35) and 8th(43-37) and 9th month(38-40) The fetus's breathing is rythmic, but not yet mature, usually they are by 38-40 weeks. By the 8th month the fetus is preparing to enter the world
. The brain and nervous system are well on there way to being fully matured. The fetus is considered full term at 38-40 weeks, and ready to show off his amazing development inside his home for nearly 10 months!!!! The picture to the right is a fetus smiling at 40 weeks, ready to live outside his mother. After birth, the baby still continues to develop, especially the lungs!

Following each month or week of pregnancy definitely proves that every part of the development is important. It said to explain why I think each is important and it's obvious, because the events I mentioned are
necessary in order for the fetus to grow and develop into a healthy baby. The picture to the right is a college of ultrasounds throughout the development of a fetus. Unfortunately there are babies born with birth defects and disorders, but for the most part it is out of our control. I just pray that I will be blessed with a healthy baby, come December!! Hopefully this review on the fetal development helped show what I think is significant, EVERYTHING!

works cited:
Martini, Frederic H. Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology. San Francisco: Pearson Education Inc., 2006.
pictures- month 1 and 2
pictures- last 2 pictures
pictures-'tear drop', ultrasound, other fetus pictures
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